Nasser:  I sent the RM through the bank they said you should get it by Tuesday afternoon. I hope that is ok with you. sorry for all the delay. You khara you have not filled out my guest book so you better do that quick and tell all your friends to go to my site in Yemen. i want more hits and that way you can show all your friends that is more than life to just chewing on GAT!!! 

 Faisal: Same message to you as above the RM is on the way and will be in your acnt on Tuesday. Thanks for all the help i really appreciate that and have you bought a bloody phone yet? i tried calling you today and your phone was not reachable. The only persons phone that works is Nassers and i call him all the time and he must be getting annoyed by now so get your phone fixed.

 Omaisy: Khara if i dont get a reply from you soon you wont be in this site no more!!! and same goes to you Amjad & Saleh(i am still waiting for that email abt the stuff!!!)

 INSTANT NOODLE CLUB:  Hey guys whts up....Yudi got your mail you gay ass, was short but i guess thats you!!. have not heard form the others though so take care of them from me. How is left there?? Garry thanks for the pics man. i shall be posting them very soon and i have a SURPRISE for all you indo's......check in next update.

 SRI LANKANS: just coz sri lanka could not make it to the finals that don't mean you have to sulk all day!!! where my mails.  

 PAKI CLUB (ASIM, SAAD, KASHI, IMRAN): hey Asim thanks for the comment on the site. i dont know man if i am going to get the visa or not i have to wait till Tuesday and see. so will let you know then if i am going to be mailing you for the rest of my life from here. : ).  Imran how are you...and how are the DUTCH LADIES...kamzzor mut hona..... take care bye..

 SLAVA: Young G ?????

 HEZ:  Hey roomy thanks for the favor today but you have to speed it up man it costs a bomb to call you and wht you doin in kl by the way???


 NIRMALI: How are things working out for you (uni and all) any good news.??

 FAIZA and LIYANA: I still don't know if i have the correct email address so am just gong to wait till you email complaining because of the lack of contact.

 K2 Yes i know you are busy no with all the RUMPY PUMPY  hahaha but do say hi to Yogi and update with that trip of yours. Send me some pics as well. 

Fanselow: In Thailand eh,, i hope you not banging anyone there. 90% have AIDS and if not that the remaining 10% got the chicken flue. Which hotel you working in and since you are so near to Brunei are you ocming over any time soon. mail me abt Thailand and some details...cya

pat: You gave me and my friends all a good laugh throught eh JIS school magazine. " I play golf in my spare time"...hahaha...

Yaty: Party Girl, i heard abt you through Naomi and all abt the Brunei Party. How was it and did any Bruneien hit on my girl?? if so send me there complete address i will drop them an unforgettable visit. I saw Mr scopes 3 days back and he is fine was saying hi to you and told me to tell you that he misses you hiding his lunch too. cya

Meilyn: BODOH, where u lah??

Shaheen: Shaheen Salam your mail was lovely very very lovely and i was so happy to read it. If you dont mind i am going to copy it and paste it on teh site so that my friends can read it. its inspiring and most of the friends i ahve are Muslims so its only right they read it and get inspired too. i hope you dont mind me doing that but yes let me know if its ok and am glad to hear you are fine and doing well. Take care and say hi to MR ahem ahem.

Adam: DJ ADAM in de house , you fat bastard wht you doing.

Ahmed Moud: you ahve not changed one bit...just grown a bit more plumpy i must say but then could be the pics fault. we all gain a couple of pounds in them. but hey yaar bheeech ki maaang, thail shail lagaya howa hai...hahahaa...looking good and got a goaty too...great stuff...hoep you fine and wht you upto these days and whts that thing abt replying back to me in 12343 days...gaaandh mai keera hai....biscuit chai hai.......take care moud 

Rizwan: GANDOOO nie to hear from you!!!! ok my number in full is 00673 2 420510 call me here its my house number. i will be calling you soon as well now that i have your number but it will be through the net and you will have to wait for a few days till me dad tops up the account..hahahaa...i  use his....i know am still a gandoo..lots of snow fall huh,, i hopoe you dont freeze over there, we guys are used ot the ehat man in bahrains the cold is still something i dont like. hey how are the americans over there to you when you tell them that you are paki??? bye


Latest Update for 23rd March 2003

Find your name and read your message

OZZIES: Dima, Mario and Shelly.

Hey guys!!.... Thanks shelly for being a great critic : ) i sent an eamil to dima so hopefully he should get it and see the site too and send me with some of his updates. Shelly do yu have a pic of you, mario and dima together in kl or where ever, i was going through my pictures and i have 1 pic of you solo and then some of mario too. i just want one group one for something,,, will tell oyu later in the next update. take care laters.

DIMA::: man you are fast i just sent you an mail and its not even been a minute and i got reply. DAMN!!!...i know wht you mean abt driving, i got two cars at home and in the middle of getting my drivers license. Once i get it  i'll be out all day and all night just cruisng down the streets. Say hi to mario for me as i have not heard from in a while and so go and sign the guest book and if you have any pics of you and some mates (mario and shlley included sned them to me so i can post em up . Take care. laters..  

Tisha: Japanese and Chinese why don't you take osmehign like Spanish or sure you know enough ofthe Asian languages?? My hun is fine she in 3rd yr now and close to getting her degree which i am glad abt but then it sucks as i still have not got mine or near to gettin it with all the bullshit in the world going. Yup am workin in my school got hols right now jusst workin as the lab technician so if anythinbg blows up in Brunei you know who did it. 

Hey its you who has to do me the favour, i cant ge through to liyana and faiza so am in the same position as you are if you can get in touch with them tell them to mail me too and same goes for k2..

you know i feel sorry for him, he is in the dark tish you should just call hima nd tell him stright on it will be hard but no doubt harder on him but its best for him and you so just do that all shall be well soon. you take care and say hi to meena. bye.

Waiying hung: still nothing from you? How are you

Nisha the preying mantis:  

Nisha Roy Alexander ( mmm made that last one up) are you....fine i rekon as always. My honey is fine and well and i miss her as always and really want to see her so i might be going soon but how soon dont know.

Razak: i still get that reunion thing whts it all abt????

CK & SATIA: ??????????

Meena: First tiem ever i have not got mail from you. Something big must be up. Are you ok? hit me back soon eh.

Marcus: Hey bro, yeah spenda lot of time with her as she the only one i know now in JIS most of the people have left and those whoare still there are bastards. Anyways angie in kuching now with her bad boy she coming back in 2 weeks, she took my phone with her and my sim card and left me here stranded aaaarrrggghhhhhhh., anyhow man get me osme pic of your friends drunk and you in it too...laters

Chika: ???? when u comin to brunei???

Snow White (hahaha): Khaloo, having fun without me in the alps??? be careful with what you say. Don't fall sick again and have a good time with the family. Say hi to everyone for me and when you get back the first thing you ahve to do is call me. I will be calling your sis soon once my dad tops up the account. muah